boot camp

[bu:t kæmp]
  • 释义
  • 新兵训练营;劳教营;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Being a freshman there was the academic equivalent of boot camp.


  • 2、

    New recruits are trained at the boot camp.


  • 3、

    I was 21, fresh out of boot camp and well into final stages of technical training.

    我当时21岁, 刚从新兵训练营出来,正在进行最后阶段的专业训练.

  • 4、

    But Ueda is no drill sergeant, and this is no ordinary boot camp.


  • 5、

    Poor Theatre Series 2010 – The inaugural Playwrights Boot Camp is here!


  • 6、

    Yoga teacher training is not a yoga boot camp of doing the asanas all day.


  • 7、

    You two went to geisha boot camp? How hard was it to learn to be geisha?

    你们两个都参加了艺伎训练,是 吧 ?成为一名艺伎有多难 呢 ?

  • 8、

    Half boot camp , half think tank , FBI academy houses some of the bureau's most innovative divisions.

    一半训练体力, 一半训练智力.联邦调查局学院拥有一些局内最创新的单位.

  • 9、

    Not a hardcore gamer? Consider this Boot Camp.

    不是铁杆玩家? 琢磨一下这个新手训练营吧.
